I have a Dream

"In England, maths is the second most hated subject in schools, second only to science."

There are three kinds of dreams:

1. The kind of dream that we have very little control over - The sleeping dreams.

2. The kind of dream that take us on a mental journey - Daydreams.

3. The kind of dreams that take us on a physical journey - Dreams that compel us to act with a view to their realisation: Goals.

The dream that I am talking about is of the third kind. It takes the 'what if' of the second kind of dream to the next level by changing the stem from, 'what if' to 'how' (can it be done) followed by, 'what can I do' towards its realisation. That question led me to:
a) write a book,
b) devise a method for teaching the times tables to toddlers (patent-pending),
c) produce this website,
d) begin to write blogs to get the message out,
e) devised a strategy to develop a programme of action with a view to change attitudes toawrds mathematics at all levels within the, at least compulsary, education system.

Stages of Enhancing children's engagement with mathematics

1. Promote awareness of the gap between where we are and what is possible

2. Devise strategies that will support and sustain engagement in order to narrow this gap throughout all the stages of the curriculum.

3. Propagate the belief that no action is too small: The 'final straw' that breaks the camel's back (that's not a very PC metaphor nowadays is it? - Well, put it down to my age) is nothing without every other straw before it. These could be: Sharing, discussing, promoting, advocating, utilising, purchasing, blogging (I appreciate there's a lot of overlap here) and not least, creating communities of action.

I have a Dream

"My dream is for every child in every school to fall madly in love with mathematics."

Yes, it's a big dream, but: I believe it to be possible.

It does not require any political will. After all, political will is not effective without community action. Conversely, community action is effective without political will.

What is needed is a strategy.

What follows is an outline of my proposed strategy

This is resilience

 Coming Soon (Watch this space)