I have a dream ...

I have a big dream. My dream is for every child in every school to fall madly in love with mathematics.

But dreaming is not enough. Therefore, 

I have a strategy. My strategy begins with a move to convince parents and educators that we need a change in perspective.


I’m not the first and I can very confidently say that I won’t be the last to say this:

Where mathematics education is concerned, we need a radical change in perspective. I have explained my reasons for asserting that toddlers should definitely memorise their times tables, not as “the times tables” but in the course of play.

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Should toddlers memorise their times tables?

In my book, I have explained my reasons for asserting that toddlers should definitely memorise their times tables, not as "the times tables" but in the course of play.

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Education is not about what you learn

It's about what that learning makes of you, how it changes you, what it EDUCES (brings OUT) in you, not what is PUT IN. In this blog, I discuss the purpose of education in a dialogue style.

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"It's ironic that we had come to study the Moon and it was really discovering the Earth."

Bill Anders (Apollo 8)

Let's Connect

I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to join the the Mathery Club, a community dedicated to the dream of embuing all our children with sustainable enthusiasm for mathematics.

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Mathematics is for life, not just for exams

In this blog, I hope to cover such topics as factors that affect students' motivation to study mathematics and mathematics adn exam anxiety.

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